Saturday, June 18, 2011

Perfect Day

I don't want to
live for,
I want to

- Hugh Prather
Notes to Myself

Happy Birthday, Via!
With love, and a song.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Long and Short of it

An old high school class photograph that a classmate had uploaded on Facebook some months ago, resurfaced on my homepage today. Apparently, there were some fresh comments on an already overloaded comment stream, that Facebook insisted I make note of. So I did.

There I find, a comment directed at me, which screams, “You were such a nerd!” And I’m glad! No, not for the nerd part, but for the past tense of that proclamation! You were. Which means, hopefully, that now, I am not.

But being called a nerd has never really bothered me. Being called ‘shortie’, on the other hand, always has. So it bugged me some, to see that printed on a very public page.

Being the shortest in the family – if you don’t count past pets and under-7-year-olds – still gets to me. From as far back as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be tall. It was even a fervent prayer request at one time. When that didn’t happen, I prayed for a tall boyfriend instead. God granted me that wish in the form of a 6-foot-something, Adonis-like guy. But I guess my prayer had been incomplete, because God had left out giving him brains.

So, my height hang-ups have continued through life, but there are times...Like when my little tyke throws his arms around me and tells me I’m his ‘bestest’ girl, or when I overhear him telling his friends that his mamma is the coolest in the whole world...

At times like these, I can sense some of my insecurities melting away. At moments like these, I feel ten feet tall.

And that, I know, is my prayer answered.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Blind Corners

In this moment
Fraught with expectation
And restless hope,
She waits.

He approaches,
Loses courage,
Then wordlessly
Walks past.

Their paths shall
Cross again,
But that pregnant moment
Has passed...

And while he can only imagine
What might have been,
She has closed that door