Thursday, February 14, 2013


It's Valentine's Day, and suddenly there's an overabundance of pink fluff and red roses and declarations of love in the air. It's slightly unnerving and more than slightly nauseating, but stop to take a closer look, and you'll find that it all makes sense, really. In some weird, twisted way maybe, but make sense, it does. Because in our heart of hearts, we'd like to believe that love is forever. And it is, too. But every once in a while, it needs the occasional reminder...of its presence, its magic, and its power to take your breath away.

This day reminds us, each year, that some things are worth remembering, worth celebrating. That some things are worth fighting for. Because love tends to get trapped and lie forgotten under layers of everyday life...under duties and responsibilities and personal ambitions. If not tended to in time, it might find itself smothered under the weight of it all, and threaten to give up or give out.

So every now and then, maybe on a day like today, stop what you're doing and look around. This is life, and it's happening now. And it's so much better if you have someone holding your hand, sharing it with you. So make time, say the things you need to say, take that step, and take that chance. Because tomorrow, it might be too late.  

But then again, for everything wonderful that Valentine's Day has come to mean, it's also the ultimate set-up engineered to make us, fallible mortals, make all the wrong choices, for all the wrong reasons. And that's only because we're intoxicated by the idea of love, more so than love itself. So if you haven't found it already, today might be a good day to ask yourself what you're really looking for, because the answer could mean the difference between happiness and disappointment, between love and illusion.
For today, a love song that's incomparable. Eric Clapton's Layla.


  1. Sometimes we forget the real essence and innocence of happiness because it sounds so good when read about in novels and story books... :)
