Wednesday, April 28, 2010


“All I can do is be me, whoever that is.”
- Bob Dylan

 I give you, Frank Sinatra. 'Why try to change me now'
...and a reminder, that
someone out there is happy to have you just the way you are.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Growing up. It implies a continuous augmentation of wisdom and understanding.
But, seriously?

As children, we knew exactly what we wanted, and how to ask for it. And we did too, without hesitation. Even before we learned to talk, we managed to make ourselves perfectly understood. When we wanted affection, we stretched out our hands for a hug, or pressed our face close to another’s, to feel warm. Such implicit belief that we would be taken care of…would be loved, no matter what.

And then, we grew up. And suddenly, all the languages we’d learned couldn't help us say what we really needed to say, or even ask for what we wanted…that, considering we even knew what we wanted. We learned to wear masks to make others believe that we were perfectly alright on our own, and that hey, we actually liked it this way! But on the inside, we still desired to be loved, to be held, and to be accepted for ourselves. We built walls…

Maybe we need to go back to being kids. Maybe we need to go back to trusting the world at large, fearless of the consequences. Maybe we need to realize that people weren’t meant to read minds; that we need to get vocal, at some point. And finally, we need to understand that walls isolate, rather than protect. And that they only block our view to the beauty that is around, to the possibilities…

And that communication is all it takes to bridge the gap between who we used to be, and who we are now.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Place, Another Time

Another voyage around the sun
And yet my life did pause,
At that place where the sun shone brightest
After which the light was lost.

Arrested in another time
A still frame in my mind…
When forever was a promise to keep
And friendship was sublime.

It’s been a year of sunrises,
But the sunshine stayed behind
At that moment when dreams awakened,
Another place, another time.

Monday, April 12, 2010


In those hazy, nebulous spaces between sleep and wakefulness, between dreams and reality, lies a secret place where our deepest desires come so close to the surface, that we can almost reach out and touch them.


There’s something to be said about having too much of a good thing…

How do we know when to stop? How do we recognize that point when something stops being good, and the indulgent sweetness starts leaving a bad taste in the mouth?
Because, most of the time, we don’t. And by the time we do, it’s usually too late.