Monday, August 29, 2011

Remember a Rainy Day

It’s been raining incessantly for the past week now. It’s been raining memories too; memories of another time, another place, and rain…always, the rain. 

I like the rain when it falls softly, gently…

It reminds me of my first kiss, from a boy I had secretly held in my heart, hoping, yet never expecting to be loved in return. But it rains magic sometimes, and some of that must have touched us and kept us together, if only for a while. I remember that kiss now, in that magical, misty rain, and the wonders of first love.

I like the rain when it beats down relentlessly…

It takes me back to the day my bike had refused to start – thanks to the rains – and I had had to push it all the way home, from college. What had made me ignore the near-pneumonia the weather had almost given me, was the company of the boy who had walked me home that day; who had pushed my bike for the better part of the journey and had made the hour seem to rush by in a few i-wish-they-never-ended minutes. I remember the wishful beginning of my last love.

I like the rain for the remembrances. And I like the rain for all those feelings they brings back. But lately, call it growing up or growing old…

I like the rain, mostly, when it stops. 

I give you Smokie, with 'Have you ever seen the rain'.


  1. I like the rain for the peace and serenity it spreads after its fall. It has a calming effect. And yes of course, it brings back just SO MANY memories...:)

  2. Yay! :) :) :)
    I wanna go back into the fun and make time freeze there... :P :)

  3. Oh I love the rain too!
    And I had my bike stop too--except that there was no nice boy to offer to push it all the way to the mechanic--just an autowallah to help for a few yards and then let me push it for the remainder.

    Life's unfair!;)
